Onventis Webinar
09. Juni 2022 | Info | Mehr auf Onventis Videos

🇬🇧 Session 3 – Release of new Spendency modules: AI categorisation and Master Data management

09. Juni 2022

15:00 - 16:00

Get ready for some exciting news! We are now ready to release our two new modules for AI categorisation and Master Data. We will be running a webinar where we will show you the biggest new features in these modules and we will also allow time for a Q&A session.

In the webinar we will show all the benefits of the new modules and explain how it can save many hours of tedious work whilst also getting more suppliers categorised by using our AI categorisation module. We hope that the AI will save time, increase your quality and also increase the number of suppliers in the long tail of small suppliers that you categorise.

We will also show how you can use our Master Data module to take control over your data quality by correcting or fixing your current data and also how to enrich your data set with external information such as risk classifications, supplier classifications or GDPR compliance etc. As an added bonus we will also show you a soon to be released feature that is included in the Master Data module. It allows you to set categorisation rules down to an item level, enabling you to run procurement analysis down to a product level.

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